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When cable TV emerged in the mid1970s Davidovich was one of the first artists to recognize its potential, helping found SoHo Cable in 1976. The next year Davidovich established Artists' Television Network, continuing as its programming director until 1983. During this time he hosted The Live! Show featuring interviews with many prominent artists including John Cage, Vito Accconci [[Acconci]] and Laurie Anderson. With time, The Live! Show evolved from an interview format to one more parodic and critical; from television looking at artists, to artists looking at television (in the words of Argentinian art historian, Rodrigo Alonso). 

In the mid1990s, Davidovich began making video paintings by projecting real time images onto canvases covered with iridescent paint. Anticipating works by Donald Moffett, Davidov-ich's paintings reimagine movements on the urban peripheries; automobile and ship traffic along the Hudson and east Rivers. The paintings comprise an update on the Hudson River tradition, as their darkling mood recalls the pictorialist photographers of the early 20th Cen-tury. 

-Live! Show?
-cement garbage
urban landscape.

Transcription Notes:
Last words are, urban exchange? second set of eyes to confirm. if confirmed, add to transcription