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Brownie monster is the ‘Frito-Bandito’ and the 2 headed Aztec Serpent, which represent the schizothynmia and dichotomous nature of the Mexican-American in the Southwest. In paintings such as this one, Casas lets the pigment brown dominate “to give social color to what... [he considers to be] significant events. Thus, the color brown has a visual dominance.
   In Humanscape 65, subtitled “New Horizons,” there are four major symbols: (1) the flag, (2) the sea, (3) the laborers, and (4) the lettuce field. The flag is the Chicano Farm Workers' Union flag and it serves a double purpose. It not only identifies the major theme of the painting but also becomes a sunrise, if the viewer is optimistic, or a sunset, if the viewer is pessimistic. Nonetheless, this imagery relates to the title, "New Horizons." Below, or at the horizon, is the sea, which is the "symbol of life, fecundity or wetness."17 The stooping laborers become "dehumanized and robot-like."13 Finally, the lettuce field is a symbol of a sea of money (both lettuce and money are green). The lettuce is picked or reaped by the Mexican-American, but the profits "'crop' into someone else's pocket,"19 not the pocket of the Mexican-American laborer but rather the pocket of the white man.

In Humanscape 68, subtitled "Kitchen Spanish," Casas sympathizes with the Mexican alien, or wetback. The title