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courtesy of Dr. Quirarte, Dr. Rivera and the co-sponsorship of U.T.S.A., the use of the auditorium at the Institute of Texas Cultures.


Said auditorium and foyer will be used for combined lecture, poetry readings, and art exhibits all of which are open to the public.


C/S has exhibited widely and in the process has been giving an image to the Chicano cause. Not only has C/S exhibited but has also managed to have the interested parties sign a contract and pay a fee for the privilege of having a C/S show. (E)


(F) Concerting visual aides C/S has put together a slide and commentary set which has not only sold well but serves a dedactic purpose in the process. Slide set No. 2 is already in progress.

ELECTIONS '75-76  

Con Safo Painters of San Antonio have elected their new slate of officers for the year 1975-76. The offices elected as follows:

President - Rudy Trevino
Vice-President - Henry Martinez
Treasurer - Joe Acosta
Communications Director - Ellen Clark
Public Relations Director - Mel Casas
Historian - Lucas Hinojosa
Slide Librarian - Rose Ezquerra & Robert Gonzales
Exhibition Committee Chairman - Richard Rocha
Membership Committee - Homero Ureste
Legal Committee - Rudy Trevino
Brochure - Emilio Aguirre
Board of Directors - Chairman - Mary Lou Ureste
Lucas Hinojosa
Emilio Aguirre