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"Without the creative arts there would have been no advance in myth or ritual, in language or meaning, in morality or metaphysics" (Herbert Read).

Living in a society which puts a premium on knowledge verbally conceived and exchanged and given the nonverbal nature of a work of art, the task for those responsible with museum education is not an easy one.

Museums are intended to be experienced by visitors and, through their exhibits, to bring about a self-conscious awareness of art as both contemporary and historical products. It is conceivable that many of those who enter a museum do so out of curiosity rather than in pursuit of aesthetic experience. But once inside, the visitor may become visually involved with the exhibits. The institution's supplementary programs also may direct attention to the artistic importance of the exhibits. Such supplementary programs usually take the form of lectures, gallery talks, panel discussions, or symposia. This symposium will endeavor to introduce the visitor to the rudiments of historic perspective and a sense of what one might expect in an exhibit of art such as the "Mira" exhibition. 

Mauricio Gonzalez
UTSA Gallery Coordinator 

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JACK AGUEROS - Executive Director of Museo del Barrio in New York City. Playwrite for a major television network and theatre critic. 

MEL CASAS - Chairman, Art, Design & Architectural Department at San Antonio College. Has had numerous one man, two man, juried and invitational group shows. Curator for the Koehler House Gallery.

LOUIS LEROY - Executive Director of San Antonio Arts Council. Former National Endowment of the Arts representative for the Southwest Region. Visual artist with exhibits throughout the United States.

RALPH MARADIAGA - Director & Curator of Galeria de La Raza/Studio 24, San Francisco, California. Writer and producer of various Spanish and English films and co-founder of Cine-Accion.

JAVIER SANCHEZ - Head of the Conservation & Historic Department for the State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Photographic artist and graphic artist with exhibits in the United States and Mexico.

San Antonio Museum of Art
200 West Jones Avenue

Saturday, October 20, 1984
1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Reception following Symposium