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Award Recipient Information Form
Recipient: Melesio O. Casas
Award: Outstanding Service Award

(Please print or type)
Name to be engraved on award Mel Casas
Address 311 Breeden, S.A., TX 78212
Phone # 735-5476
Person to receive award (Program and Business Category): Mel Casas, Chairperson/Visual Arts & Technology
Address San Antonio College
Phone # 733-2894

The ceremony is a black tie affair. If you are a male you must wear a black tuxedo. Will we need to provide one for you? Yes No X.

You will receive two complimentary tickets to the gala and reception. Will you be in need of any additional tickets? Yes No X. If yes, each additional ticket will cost $10 per person. (Enclose check)

You will need to report backstage at Thirty Auditorium at 7:15 p.m. on September 27, 1986. Will this be a problem? Yes No .

The reception will be held from 10:00 P.M. - 12:00 Midnight. 

Please enclose any information (vita, resume, bio) that will assist us in your tribute. Also enclose any pictures, slides, or newspaper clippings.

The project coordinator will be calling you for additional information. 

The official photographer will be calling you to take your photograph. 

Reporters and other media people may call you for an interview. 

Please mail this form and any additional information in the self-addressed envelope. 

For further information please call 227-2751.