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Mel Casas
January 8 - February 28, 1988 [[highlighted]]
Duty Due Date In Charge
Select specific works May MK
Request photos, slides, bio materials from artists, dealers. Duplicate for PI May MK
Research -- develop bibliography for PI, Museum Education June MK/SMS/Volunteers
Consult with Shop for exhibition sale items June MK/PMO
Plan exhibition-related programs July 6 MK/SMS
Hire catalogue writer and translator July 6 MK
Final selection of works made July 20 LDM/MK
Titles & dimensions due from artist July 27 MK
Loan requests to lenders July 27 MK
Begin catalogue text July 29 MK
Discuss budget w/Preparator August 3 MK
Determine graphic designer; concept for invitation, catalogues August 3 MK/SC
Loans approved; forms sent to lenders September 14 DA-M
Shipping bids confirmed insurance arrangements September 14 DA-M
Photographs of works (Ave) September 14 MK/SC/Ave
Preliminary installation design, consult w/Curator of Ed., Preparator September 21 MK
Text completed for catalogue, invitation September 21 MK/DH
Prepare reproductions, support materials, and text for catalogue September 21 MK
Text to translator -- catalog & invite September 23 MK
Information for calendar, press releases to PI September 23 MK
Publicity schedule determined; press releases planned September 23 SC