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[[3 columned table]]
| Duty | Due Date | In Charge |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Turn over material to designer  | October 5 | MK |
| Arrangements for opening, special events | October 5 | MK/VPH/PMO |
| Design catalogue layout with designer | October 5 | MK |
| Write didactic materials -- wall labels, handouts | November 30 | MK/SMS |
| Staff slide lecture if possible | December 1 | MK |
| Plan accommodations for out-of-town guests | December 7 | DA-M |
| Exhibition agreement forms | December 7 | MK |
| Final installation design; assign crew, order supplies | December 7 | PM |
| Develop specific invitation list | December 7 | LDM/Curator/VPH |
| Plan dinner for artist | December 7 | Curator/LDM |
| Installation graphics, didactic materials typeset and printed | December 14 | MK/DA-M |
| Develop design for indoor/outdoor signage, consult w/Asst. Curator | December 14 | PM |
| Call and hire installation crew | December 14 | PM |
| Distribute educational materials to docents and trustees | December 14 |  SMS/DA-M |
| Mail invitations | December 14 | DA-M |
| Tape PSA | December 14 | SC |
| Receive works of art, receipts to lenders, condition | January 4 | DA-M |
| Begin installation, outside signage | January 4 | PM |
| Catalogue delivered | January 4 | PMO/MK |
| Complete installation w/approval of Asst. Curator | January 8 | PM |
| Buff floors | January 8 | CH |
| Docent training | January 8-15 | SMS |
| **Opening reception** photodocumentation of events  | January 9, 8-10 pm Public reception | SC/MK |
| Staff tour | January 14 | MK |