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Laguna Gloria Art Museum
Post Office Box 5568
Austin, Texas 78763

18 March 1988

Mel Casas, Chairman
Art Department, San Antonio College
1300 San Pedro Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78284

Dear Mel,

Here is the checklist for your exhibition. Checklist A will be at LGAM. Checklist A & B will comprise the travelling exhibition. And Checklist B we hope to find an East Austin site for, to draw East Austin to LGAM to see more of your work. I am also enclosing some PR for the exhibition.

Debbie Armstrong-Morgan, LGAM Registrar, will send you the catalogue copy when she has it all organized in mid-May. Dave Hickey will be ready to start, with his slide packet and checklist by next week. I told him to call you, as you requested. Debbie and Peter Mears, our Preparator, may pay you a visit to examine how your paintings are stretched. Actually, they want any excuse to meet you and to see your wonderful paintings in person.

Laurence will be working on arranging an itinerary for your exhibition after it closes here in October. Sylvia may ask your advice further concerning programs. I assure you, you are absolutely in good hands. And among staff here, there is a sense of excitement and happy anticipation for your exhibition.

I deeply regret not being able to lavish attention upon the exhibition details, but I'll remain in touch with Laurence, Sylvia, Debbie, Peter and Dave, who will do the exhibition justice. I hope that if you have occasion to be in the Bay Area, you will call me, so I can treat you to dinner. From mid-April on, I'll be at 1434 Hampel St., Oakland, CA 94602. Tel.: 415/482-5344.

I consider myself fortunate to have met you, and am infinitely richer for the experience.

Best regards,


Monica F. Kindraka
Assistant Curator
