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page 2 -- Checklist A

13. Humanscape 120: Southwest Turf, 1983 
acrylic on canvas 
92 x 96 inches

14. Humanscape 132: Guacamole, 1984
acrylic on canvas
72 x 96 inches

15. Humanscape 138: Pinatas, 1985
acrylic on canvas
72 x 96 inches

16. Humanscape 140: Day of the Muertos, 1987
acrylic on canvas
72 x 96 inches

17. Humanscape 141: Barrio Dog, 1987
acrylic on canvas
72 x 96 inches

18. Humanscape 146: Penitentes, 1988
acrylic on canvas
72 x 96 inches

19. possible addition/most recent work