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June Mattingly

February 1, 1989

Mel Casas
311 Breedon
San Antonio, TX 78212

Dear Mel:

I Aam Familiar with you work--unfortunately I missed your recent exhibition at the Laguna Gloria--I got your address form my friend Celia Munoz. I curate exhibitions for Frito-Lay at the corporate headquarters and right now I am organizing an exxhibition of contemporary Hispanic artists titled Celebracion Hspanica which runs from May 15th through July 14th, 1989

Mel, I would very muh like for you to participate. Ten to twelve artists will show either two small scale pieces, like drawings or one major painting. which would not exceed eight feet in width or height. Artists who are under consideration but may not be definite yet (a partial list) include Luis Jimenez, Jorge Paodo, John Hernandez, Gronk, Roberto Juarez and Nathan Oliviera.

The Juarez is from Frito-Lay's collection. Frito-Lay maintains a strong committment to art; its large collection includes some of the most gifted artists, both American and foreign working in our day. The Didactic Gallery sponsors six exhibition a year to encourage the viewing and understanding of art among their visitors and 1500 employees.

Could you send a few slides of what you might be able to loan us? I promise to return them promptly. If you have any questions I can be reached at (214) 871-7288.

All exhibitions are accompanied by an announcement with a color reproduction. Some announcements of past exhibition are enclosed. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 

[[signature]] June Mattingly [[/signature]]
June Mattingly

Transcription Notes:
some words are mispelled in letter and they are transcribed how they are written