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Hurley, F. Jack. Portrait of a Decade: Roy Stryker and the Development of Documentary Photography in the Thirties, New York: De Capo Press, Inc., 1977.
Kozloff, Max, "The Rivera Frescoes of Modern Industry at the Detroit Institute of Arts: Proletarian Art Under Capitalist Patronage," Artforum 12, No. 3 (November 1972): 58-63.
Kunkel, Gladys M. The Mural Paintings of Anton Refregier in the Rincon Annex of the San Francisco Post Office, San Francisco, California, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1969.
Lafer, Steven, "Victory for Historic Refregier Murals, "People's World, (Berkeley) May 24, 1979.
McBane, Margo. The History of California Agriculture: Focus on Women Farmworkers, The Coalition of Labor Union Women of Santa Clara County, Retail Store Employees Local 428, The Youth Project, San Francisco, California, 1975.
McKinzie, Richard D. The New Deal for Artists, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1973.
McWilliams, Carey. North From Mexico: The Spanish-Speaking People of the United States, New York: Greenwood Press, 1968.
Meyer, Michael C. and William M. Sherman. The Course of Mexican History, New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.
Mills, Kay, "The Great Wall of Los Angeles," Ms. Magazine (October 1981): 66-69+
Moquin, Wayne et al (eds.). A Documentary History of the Mexican Americans, New York: Bantam Books, 1972.
The Bitter Years, 1935-1941: Rural America as Seen by the Photographers of the Farm Security Administration, edited by Edward Steichen. Statements by Rexford Guy Tugwell, Grace M. Mayer. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1962.
New Deal Art: California, Introduction by Francis V. O'Connor. Texts by Charles Shere, Paul Hoffman, George Bolling, Steven M. Gelber, De Saisset Art Gallery and Museum, University of Santa Clara, California, 1976

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