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Goldman 47

Figure Numbers 
1. Emigdio Vásquez, Tribute to the Chicano Working Class, 1979, detail, acrylic. Cypress Street, Orange, California. Photo: courtesy of artist. 
2. James Walker, Vaqueros at the Roundup, 1877, oil on canvas, 30-3/8 x 50-3/8 inches. Estate of Dr. Carl S. Dentzel.
3. James Michael Newell, Evolution of Western Civilization, 1938, detail, fresco. Library of Evander Childs High School, Bronx, New York. 
4. Emigdio Vásquez, Gandy Dancers, 1974, oil on canvas, 24 x 36 inches. Photo: courtesy of artist. 
5. David Alfaro Siqueiros, Revolution Against the Dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz, 1957-1967, detail, acrylic on canvas on celotex and plywood. Salon of the Revolution, Museo Nacional de Historia, Chapultepec Park, Mexico City. 
6. Rupert García, Hermanos Flores Magón,1979-1980, pastel on illustration board, 60 x 80 inches. Photo: Bob Hsaing.
7. Ricardo and Enrique Flores Magón, photograph. 
8. Carlos Cortez, Joe Hill, 1973, linoleum cut, 35-1/8 x 22 1/2 inches. Collection: Irwin and Taka Weinberg. Photo: by author.
9. Antonio Pazos, El Rio Belongs to the People, 1975-1977, detail, acrylic. El Rio Neighborhood Center, Tucson, Arizona. Photo: courtesy of artist.
10. Malaquías Montoya, Comrade Miner, 1981, silkscreen, 23 x 35 inches. 
11. David Alfaro Siqueiros, Tropical America, 1932, fresco on cement, 16 x 80 feet. Italian Hall, El Pueblo de Los Angeles State Historical Park. 
12. George Samerjan, Lettuce Workers, 1942, mural, 5 x 14 feet. Post Office, Calexico, California.
13. Dorothea Lange, Filipinos Working in Lettuce Field, Salinas, California, 1935, photograph. 
14. Andy Zermeño, Stop Nixon, cover of El Malcriado, October 15, 1968.
15. Amado M. Peña, Jr., La lechuga, 1974, silkscreen, 17 x 14 inches.
16. Sergio O'Cádiz, The History of the Chicano, 1974, detail, acrylic on plywood panels. Library of Santa Ana, California. Photo: by author.

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