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Editor's Potpourri 
There is no proper way to describe San Antonio and do it justice. The city defies there are too many good things one can say about it. 

In essence, it is a city that has awakened from a midday siesta to join in a gala fiesta. It is a giant that is rapidly changing face and pace with the times, moving boldly forward each day and setting its sights on a future glowing with growth. 

Yet, as San Antonio prospers in a gigantic economic and social boom, the charm the city has inherited down through two colorful, exciting and memorable centuries has only intensified. It is still a city graced with grace, loved by lovers, mired in mirth, magnanimous in mood, and exquisite in its espiritu de cuerpo. And it is still a city many call "a state of mind".

Keith Elliott, the former San Antonio author, once described San Antonio as being a city of contrasts, aloof from casual tags and easy comparisons. Will Rogers, during a visit here in the late 30's, called San Antonio one of four cities (the other being New Orleans, San Francisco and Boston) in the United States possessing real atmosphere. And so it is still...even today. 

How can the best describe San Antonio? Poets described it poetically. 

San Antonio is a downtown river, fetchingly landscaped and so crooked the Indians used to call it a 'drunken old man going home at night'. It is an Old World mission dozing complacently in the shadows of towering, majestic skyscrapers. It is a sign at the Gato Negro tavern which reads, "Pienselo Bien," (Spanish for 'Think') proving conclusively that San Antonio is a bilingual town. 

San Antonio is a Chinese colony of 2000 souls, Keith penned, a church which conducts its services in Flemish, a mass of citizens who speak only German in their homes. San Antonio is a city whose sky was once the playground for the world's largest airplane-the XC-99, now a grounded aviation museum-and whose sky now resounds with the sonic sounds of the nation's busiest pilot training group. 

It is the laughter of children taking recess on top of a multi-story elementary school in the heart of the city. It is the sound of a waterfall splashing and dancing near the Bridge of Sighs. San Antonio is wealth, graphically illusstrated by its majestic homes. It is an art museum with a $1 million endowment and oil wells of its own. It is a symphony orchestra ranked among the nation's 10 best. 

It is a city on the go-go, tearing down and rebuilding with vigor. 

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It is a guardian, the protector of The Alamo, the home of more parks and plazas than any city of comparable size in the country. It is a quaint settlement out of yesteryear and the pages of history called La Villita. It is Brackenridge Park Zoo which plays host to 2 million visitors annually. It is the home of six institutions of higher learning, two of the country's largest hospitals...and residence of America's aerospace medicine. 

San Antonio is a city of sufficient legend and anecdotes to supply the world's demands for a millenia. 

San Antonio is a year of warm days and cool nights...a metropolis "where the sunshine spends the winter" and the retired find a new life and might. It is the Alamo City, Escencio San Antonio, Venice-on-the-Prairie, Baghdad-by-the-Basin, Mecca-on-the-Mesa...inadequate cognomens all. San Antonio is a lovely senorita and a fickle one at that.

It is a battleground that has endured five wars and 11 battles, a graveyard for 15,000 Mexicans, Spaniards, Texans and Americans whose blood was shed in long forgotten movements of shell-scarred history. It is a city that has thrived under the flags of nine governments, borrowing the best traits from each, and daintily demurred from letting any of them muss her heritage. 

San Antonio is a lady with a past, of which she's rightfully proud, but a lady with a future. 

She's feminine, all right. She's shamefully sentimental, delightfully flirtatious, outrageously seductive, dangerously engaging and charming at all times. She's named for a saint, but she's an alluring enchantress that welcomes people with open arms. 

And beginning with this initial issue of San Antonio, we'll be telling you more about San Antonio, a city that has come of age and is destined to take its place as one of the most exciting cities in the world. 

[[image on left of downtown San Antonio.]]

In the months ahead, we'll be bringing in-depth articles and penetrating business stories about San Antonio and the surrounding area to you. We know of no other city, no other area that

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Our welcome mat is [-]

The Lone Star Brewery is often called the "most beautiful brewery in th" [[cut off]]
500,000 people visited Lone Star, sat on the banks of the two acre lake, [[cut off]] 
O'Henry House and the many other family attractions. These people a[[cut off]]
the famous and traditional Buckhorn Hall of Horns, the Hall of Fins ax [[cut off]]
where they sampled cold Lone Star, the beer that Makes the Most of [[cut off]]

[[image of Lone Star Brewery]]
We invite you to try Certified Premium Quality Lone Star [[cut off]] 
the sensational Lone Star Draft in keg, bottle or can...the Southwest [[cut off]]

[[image of THE HALL OF HORNS]]
THE HALL OF HORNS In 1957, a rare and unusual collection of horns and antlers was moved from the original Buckhorn, in downtown San Antonio, to the Lone Star Brewery. This collection is known as probably the greatest in the world, and is being constantly increased by further exhibits of trophy dimensions. All types of wild life, American, African and Asiatic, with and without horns, many of them world record holders, are exhibited in colorful dioramas. 

[[image to right of THE HALL OF HORNS]]
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LONE STAR BREWING COMPANY [image of Lone Star Beer logo]] SAN ANTO [[cut off]]