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DALLAS NEWS   1/24/71

Scene in Art:

SMU Surveys Texas Art in 20th Century

Art Critic of The News

The "Texas Painting and Sculpture: The 20th Century" show, which opened last week at SMU's University and Pollock Galleries is successful in its stated purpose: A survey exhibition of art in Texas during the first 20 years of this century.

Present are works by old-timers beginning with the well-remembered Robert J. Onderdonk, represented by a 1910 "Still Life with Fish," and ending so to speak with work done this past year by artists in their 30s. The really avant-garde work is mainly missing, but justifiably so since it has been and will be the subject of other shows.

My first impression of the exhibition was that of having my memory stirred by paintings typical of work seen in years past and not seen again during the last decade or more. This aspect of the show, which is more a nostalgia than anything else even though certain of the early works are perfectly well done, will take on added meaning to those who can remember back to when the work was created.

THE FURTHER back one's visual memory goes, the greater significance the exhibition will have, and beyond that it can serve to inform viewers of general trends and how the work of the artists in Texas has evolved during the past 70 years. The show is well chosen, for there is no heavy leaning toward any one period or style and each artist is represented by one work.

The only danger such a show has, to my way of thinking, is that there is a tendency to wax mellow in re-viewing the work, and paintings or sculpture that might look rather dull or trite in today's terms and indeed were such at the time they were created, carry a certain interest because of their age and historical perspective. Many of the works of art in this show are not first rate, but they look fine if not exciting in context and the show holds together as well as any such survey can.

The exhibition was conceived and assembled by Jerry Bywaters, director of the Pollock Galleries, and Martha Utterback, Curator of the Witte Memorial Museum in San Antonio, and perhaps because two minds were at work, there is great variety.

A SHOW WHICH can range from the Julian Onderdonk painting of a bluebonnet landscape reflecting up into the trees and sky with an all pervading glowing blue to a Pop satire on bluebonnets complete with botanical designations by San Antonio artist Mel Casas reflects by definition a somewhat flexible approach. Much of the interest indeed derives from such contrasts which exist without being detrimental to either end of the spectrum.

Certain basic characteristics are inevitable in a Texas survey show. There is, for example, a prevalence of landscapes, many of which are arid or somewhat desolate. There are three Texas primitive paintings - one by H.O. Kelly, (done in 1950), one by Clara Williamson and another scene which has primitive qualities done by Perry Nichols in 1941.

Two artists, Ed Kinzinger in 1939 and Cecil Casebier in 1954, deal with Mexican people as subjects, and canyons are represented in various styles by such artists as Frank Reaugh with his pale pastel-colored oil landscape and Stephen Rascoe with his abstraction of canyon walls. 

The abstractions of the early 60's are for the most part the weakest area of the show and such pseudo-Cubist tendencies of many of the artists working away from representational imagery then is generally ineffective. Strangely enough, little in the abstract expressionist style is included, which seems to indicate that Texas artists were not with the general New York trends of the 50's.

Aside from the paintings of landscapes, still lifes and abstractions, there are a few watercolors, the best of which is the circa 1938 "Standing Nude" by the late Fort Worth artist Blanch McVeigh

THE SHOW INCLUDES many more paintings than sculptures, but the works in metals, wood or marble included represent highlights of the significant work and most of the names associated with sculpture during the given time. These range from works by artists whose sculpture I like less, such as Octavio Medellin, Heri Bert Bartscht and Charles Umlauf, to more visually interesting pieces by Jim Love, Gene Owens, the late Charles Williams, Alberto Collie and William Walsh. The only construction in the exhibition is a wood, metal and mixed media piece titled "Socio-Political Stop Sign" by David McManaway.

McManaway, Herb Rogalla, Roger Winter and a small percentage of others represent work done within the past decade. Bill Wiman is represented by a realistic style juxtaposition of two young boys on a small town square with a "neo-classical" sleeping nude couple. There is an abstract horizontally structured landscape with a squiggly lower band by James Boynton, and a large bold abstraction titled "The Light of Rain" by Dorothy Hood.

Any review of a show of this type is bound to rouse comments of omission, but it is impossible to mention even by name all of the artists represented and those mentioned do not necessarily reflect value judgements that their work is best. If a critic of the show can feel that way, it is easy to imagine the dilemma of those making the selections for the exhibition. This particular aspect no doubt accounts in part for the inclusion of some artists simply because they existed as consistent contributors to the art productivity rather than because their work was interesting, or creative on its own merits.

All its drawbacks and weaknesses aside, this show is a successful survey of Texas art of this century. It should be of interest to those who remember and to those who want to see what it was all about. It is a historical commentary with a range of styles and a breadth of quality, but with a certain overall continuity which lends dignity and substance to the show and reflects the careful thought of Bywaters and Miss Utterback. 

[[Image]] This 1970 acrylic on canvas painting of "Bluebonnets" by San Antonio artist Mel Casas is one of 87 works included in SMU's current show of "Texas Painting and Sculpture: The Twentieth Century."



The emblem of the Dallas Music Teachers Association of your assurance of qualified Teaching.

Recognized pedagogical methods maintain the great tradition of music.

Kathleen Fain
Piano, Theory
4116 Lovers Lane, 75225, 361-7424

Schumanns Music Studios
Piano, Voice, Violin
Whittle Music Co., Studio 304
2733 Oak Lawn, 75219, 521-4011

Gertrude M. Simon
7214 Midbury Dr., 74230, 363-1940

Mrs. E. F. Summers
Piano, Theory
7115 Concord, 75235, 352-3146

Mrs. James M. Aitken
Piano, Theory
4032 Colgate Ave., 75225, 363-3689

Susan Hamman Allen
7902 Standford, 75225, 363-3689

Louise Wadley Bianchi
Director, Piano Prep. Dept. 
SMU, 75222, 363-5611, Ext.594

Mrs. Frank S. Blair
Piano, Theory
4115 Lovers Lane, 75225, 526-2849

Charles Wayne Brookshear
Piano, Organ
4031 University, 75205, 526-1431

Russell J. Brydon, Jr.
Organ, Piano
3966 McKinney, 75204, 521-5101

Jo Lynn Cotton
3507 Rosedale Ave., 75205, 369-6920

Kathleen Fain
Piano, Theory
4116 Lovers Lane, 75225, 361-7424

Virginia Thompson Ford
4236 Greenbriar, 75225, 368-1291

Cleo Frost Furr
4505 Emerson, 75205, 521-5478

Barbara Rae Hibbard 
(Mrs. W J.)
3410 Dartmouth, 75205, 521-0597

Mrs. Rodney Holder
3904 Villanova Dr., 75225, 369-1676

Doris Kolb Holmes 
Piano, Violin, Organ, Theory
7730 Southwestern Blvd., 75225, 368-6291

Mrs. Maude Davis Kyle
Voice, Piano, Theory
4513 Cole Ave. 75205, 521-5610

Fay Jordan Lewelling
Piano, Theory
5403 Glenwick Lane, 75209, 351-5058

Lazelle Light
Piano, Theory
3213 Lovers Lane, 75225, 363-2282

Sadie McCollum
3445 Rosedae Apt. 4
75205, 691-6115

Mrs. Ssam McIntosh
Piano, Theory
6404 Park Lane, 75225, 361-0248

Gertrude Mandelstamm
4033 Hanover, 75225, 361-7970

Frances M. marshall
(Mrs. S. W., Jr.)
3104 Lovers Lane, 75225, 363-1366

Mrs. A. B. Momand
Piano, Organ
4228 San Carlos, 75205, 526-1725

Frances Deaderick Stuart
Piano, Theory
3725 Maplewood, 75205, 528-5602

Vera H. Tuggey (Mrs. H. E.)
Piano, Theory
3444 Amherst, 75225, 368-5163

Kathleen Wallace
Piano, Accompanist
4706 Granada, 75205, 528-9336

Mrs. Clifton Wilhite
Piano, Theory
3633 Hanover, 75225, 363-3081

Franklin Washburn
Violin, Viola
3208 Drexel Dr., 75205, 528-9798

Evelyn Holman Graham
Piano, Theory
4314 Taos Road, 75209, 352-5835

Fay Jordan Lewelling
Piano, Theory
5403 Glenwick Lane, 75209, 351-5058

Mrs. Carl Bach
Voice, Piano, Theory
1015 Saturn Springs, 75040. 278-4419

Cornelia Baird
Piano, Theory
3960 Davila Dr., 75220, 351-5713

James Bozman
3434 Hidalgo Dr., 75220, 350-0864

Patricia Brogher
Piano, Theory
14436 Strait [[cut off]]

Evelyn Holman Graham
Piano, Theory
4314 Taos Road, 75209, 352-5835

Donna O'Steen Edwards
Piano, Theory
3229 Regent Dr.
75229, 352-7310

Mrs. Bessie Newland Ligon
2823 Carlisle St., 752014, 747-5578

Mrs. W. R. Little
4179 Beaverbrook, 75229, 351-3227

Mrs. Doris Macphearson
Piano, Organ
10256 Sherbook Lane, 75229, 352-0641

Mrs. Ruth L. Marble
Piano, Theory
4122 Dunhaven, 75220, 352-3746

Patricia J. Marshall
Piano, Theory
3825 Crest Cove Circle, 75234, 

Mrs. Ronald Mitchell
12606 Gaslite Circle
75234, 247-6765

Nelta Owen
3887 Antiqua Circle, 75234

Mrs. W. T. Pearson
Piano, Theory
3619 Townsend Dr., 75229, 352-1837

Mildred Penk
Piano, Theory
2914 Clydedale, 75220, 352-4285

Patsye T. Seaback
Piano, Organ
3055 Kinkaid Dr., 75220, 358-2168

Florence, Shwiff
Piano, Theory
4208 Mendenhall Dr., 75234, 239-3367

Johanna Stern
Piano, Organ
3623 Sequin Dr., 75220, 357-1657

Mrs. Clinton (Lynne) Van Pelt
4524 Harry's Lane, 75229, 352-5014, 

Mrs. Robert V. Vaupel
Piano, Theory
4520 Melissa Lane, 75229, 352-3806

Mrs. Robert L. Whiteside
Piano, Voice
10034 Coppedge Lane
75229, 351-4905

Imelda K. Baker
Piano, Theory, Hammond Organ
1284 Noel Rd., 1097. 75240, 239-9877

Dorothy Brin Crocker
Piano, Music Therapy
7506 Midbury, 75230, 368-6954

Mary McKeown Davis
6207 Mimosa, 75230, 363-7761

Marvin Gross
6826 Park Lane, 75225, 361-2569

Julia Louise Hermann
6734 Mimosa Lane, 75230, 363-1186

Ethel Kaspar
5862 Azalea Lane, 75230, 368-8639

Marjorie Knott
Piano, Theory
11011 Jamestown Rd., 75230, 363-4646

Mrs. E. D. McLaughlin
7036 Holly Hill Dr., 75231, 361-1986

Laura Harris Mitchell
6130 Boca Raton, 75230, 361-2605

Christine Palmer
6232 Pemberton Dr., 75230, 361-5237

Mildred Penk
Piano, Theory
2914 Clydesdale, 75220, 352-4285

Erna Renard Radke
6823 Northwood Rd., 75225, 361-4911

Betty Lief Sims
6430 Prestonshire Lane, 75225,

Mrs. James H. Slatton
Piano, Theory
11414 Crest Brook Dr., 75230, 363-9551

Donna O'Steen Edwards
Piano, Theory
3229 Regent Dr.
75229, 352-7310

Patricia J. Marshall
Piano, Theory
3835 Crest Cove Circle, 75234, 247-2049

Mrs. Elaine Robinson
13415 Challaburton Dr. 75234, 247-4496

Ed Cole
Piano, Theory
7002 Benning Ave., 75227, 388-1095

Mrs. George L. Cook
7651 Seca Blvd., 75217, 391-2802

Mrs. Ruby Grubbs
Piano, Organ
2415 Wynnewood Dr., 75224, 946-3453

Mrs. Estelle Hamby
Piano, Theory
2426 S. Polk, 75224, [[cut off]]

Carolyn Jones Campbell
Piano, Theory
1022 Tarryall Dr., 75224, 374-4345

Regina Gurson
Piano, Theory
3321 Coleshire Dr., 75232, 374-3974

Mrs. Charles Hooton
Piano, Theory
4667 Silver Lake Dr., 75211, 337-4667

Eugenia Nicks O'Reilly
2232 Elderoaks Lane, 75232, 374-4997

Mrs. Roy W. Reitz
Piano, Organ
538 Brook Valley Lane, 75232, 374-7328

Amy Lou Witaker
5106 Dazzle Dr., 75232, 331-2828

Winifred Bedford
Piano, Organ, Theory Classes
3413 Meredith, 75211, 337-0756

Anne Bryant
Piano, Organ
612 West Jefferson, 75208, 948-7341

Beatrice N. Carney
Piano, Theory, Pre-School
1522 Driftwood Dr., 75224, 339-0637

Betty Farmer
712 Arpege, 75224, 376-7897

Virginia France
2844 Bonnie View, 75216, 374-7734

Mrs. Ruby Grubbs
Piano, Organ
2415 Wynnewood Dr., 75224, 946-3453

Tennie Dyer Lengel
1446 La Senda Pl., 75208, 942-7881

Myrtle McKay
511 E. 10th St., 75203, 946-3374

Mrs. Robert Nielson
Piano, Theory
442 Monssen Dr., 75224, 946-1069

Ethel Darr Peebles
Piano, Voice
725 N. Madison, 75208, 943-8640

Sharon Woodard Tarwater
Piano, Theory
1606 Junior Dr., 75208, 948-6331

Florence Vandersall
1103 South Tyler, 75203, 946-1131


Phyllis A. Koller
2127 Cambridge Dr., 75060, 253-7466

Mrs. E. K. Patrick
Piano, Organ, Theory
1524 W. 7th 75060, 254-8457

Mrs. J. H. Pruitt
Piano, Organ
1524 W. 7th, 75060, 253-4637

Lois Clark Flinn
Piano, Theory
714 W. Church St., 75050, 262-7290

Evelyn J. Davis
Piano, Theory
122 E. University, 75165, 937-5733

Mrs. Jimmie Mansfield
Piano, Theory
122 E. University, 75165, 937-5733

Naomi Ellis
909 Ave. E., 76201, 817 387-2905

Robert Allison
13310 Kit Lane, 75240, 235-7533

Charles Wayne Brookshear
Piano, Organ
4031 University, 75205, 526-1431

John Carroll Collins
Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Theory
1111 Canterbury Ct., 75208, 942-5269

Nadine Johnson
Piano, Theory
922 Valencia, 75223, 321-3138

Mrs. Elaine Robinson
13415 Challaburton Dr., 75234, 247-4494

Mrs. Ludie Ray Gardner
Piano, Theory
5457 Vickery Blvd., 75206, 823-2463

Mrs. E.J. Hammann
5447 Morningside 75206, 823-6609

Patricia Barnes Macon
6833 Tremmel Dr. 75214, 368-4989

Bertha Mendenhall
5610 Vanderbilt 75206, 823-7962

Jean Glass
7190 Gaston 75214, 328-3975

Louise Schawe
4701 Sycamore 75204, 821-2050

June Brown Tighe
5336 Ridgelawn Dr., 75214, 361-1964

Mrs. C. Lynn Watson
Piano, Organ
5555 Richard 75206, 827-1621

Dr. Mary Grace Wilhite
Piano, Organ, Theory
Teacher Training Classes
5622 Swiss Ave. 75214, 824-2110

Esta Williams
Voice, Piano
6905 South Ridge Dr., 75214, 821-1953

Betty Dean
Piano, Organ, Marimba
Yamaha Music Course
15525 Earlport Circle 75240, 239-4375

John W. Dean, Jr.
Piano, Piano Technical Service
15525 Earlport Circle 75240, 239-4375

Arthur H. Feese
Piano, Theory
6262 Lafayette Way 75230, 239-1046

Carol Feese
Piano, Theory
6262 Lafayette Way 75230, 239-1046

Mrs. John J. Freiberger
Piano, Theory
7407 Stonecrest 75240, 239-5596

Mary Hubbard Harris
13339 Meadowside Dr., 75240, 239-3273

Helen L. Jewell
6916 Vineridge, 75240, 239-9759

Florence Shwiff
Piano, Theory
4208 Mendenhall Dr., 75234, 239-3367

Mrs. Helyn W. Eitelman
726 Gaylewood 75080, 231-7690

Mark Kenning
Piano, Organ, Marimba
309 Nottingham 75080, 235-5084

Cherry Harvey Potts
Piano, Theory
712 Gaylewood Dr. 75080, 235-8970

Arnold Louis Schuler
Piano, Organ, Theory
624 Winchester 75080, 231-0584

Mrs. O.R. (Paula) Stephenson
Piano, Theory
2434 Fairway Dr. 75080, 238-0172

Mrs. G.P. Alexander
9616 Ravensway 75238, 348-1691

Mrs. John R. Hoyt
Piano, Theory
9870 Broken Bow 75238, 348-0464

Mrs. Raymond F. Kinney
Piano, Theory 146 Classen Dr. 75218, 348-4176

Mildred McClenny
Piano, Organ
10017 Windledge 75238, 348-2307

Mrs. Julia Schmitt
Piano, Voice
10022 Church Road 75236, 348-0677

Eula Faye Sledge
719 North Buckner Blvd. 78218, 321-2353

Mrs. Jim L. Thomas
Piano, Theory
9748 Maplehill 75238, 348-2487

Allan Zane
Piano, Organ, Voice
10507 Vistadale 75238, 348-4438

Mrs. Jack Lindholm
2304 St. Francis 75228, 328-2809

Mrs. Eugene J. Meysenburg
Piano, Theory
11028 Creekemere 75218, 328-1984

Annabelle Reese Moores
Piano, Theory Musicianship
John E. Fickling School
2651 San Marcus Ave., 75238, 327-1583

Schumanns Music Studios
Piano, Violin, Voice
10108 San Juan Ave.
P.O. Box 28253, 75228, 321-6930

Delia Selway
Piano, Theory
1424 Casa Vale Dr. 75218, 321-5508

Mrs. Emadee Wagener
441 Kirkwood 75218, 328-8125

Allan Zane
Piano, Organ, Voice
10507 Vistadale 75238, 348-4438