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October 21, 1988

Ms. Barbara Nicholson
D.C. Commission on the Arts & Humanities
Washington, DC

Dear Ms. Nicholson:

This is a letter of support for the artistic program of the Hispanic American Festival. In 1988 the Festival was a tremendous success for local artists. It was a chance for us to express ourselves and celebrate our heritage and culture. The theme of "500 Years after Columbus" was an important topic for all Latin Americans and Caribbean citizens. We used the Festival to help us further our artistic talents and provide our people and other Americans with original artistic elements and abilities. It is important that you continue your support for this important Festival. It is through our artistic traditions that we are able to express our ideas and dreams for a better society and better communication among the various ethnic groups that live in the Washington, DC area.

Naúl Ojeda
Naúl Ojeda

1730 Church St NW
Washington, DC