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From: Carmen Salazar


FROM: Olivia Cadaval

SUBJECT: Meeting for the Spanish Elderly Project for the Arts
DATE: August 20, 1980

The following people attended: Naul Ojeda, visual artist, Carmen Deeny, poet, Shibaka, tai-Chi specialist, Delphy Vasnaugh and Katie Dealy, consultants, Carmen Salazar, coordinator, Office of Lation Affairs, Olivia Cadaval, project director.

The following issues were discussed:

1.  Schedule
A.  Project will begin October 1st, 1980
B.  Project will consist of 45 sessions
1.  Included as one of the sessions will be monthly meetings with staff and artists
2.  Sessions will be divided into four stages:
Fall, Winter, Spring, and Fall
a.  Naul will work throughout the entire project
b.  Carmen will work the Fall and Spring Session - another poet or poets will be invited for the other sessions
c.  Shibaka and Delphy will arrange the extend of his involvement.  Other movement specialists will also be invited
d.  Julio Sanchez will also participate but will be compensated from other sources than grant
3.  Fall sessions will be approximately from Oct 1 to Dec. 16.
C.  Monthly meetings
1.  They will be approximately 3 hour sessions
2.  Discuss problems and issues that we are going to deal with
Social  Economic  Political  Physical
3.  Address the situation of the Hispanic Elderly
Needs  Health  Class
Education  Isolation  Money
Values  Attitudes
Reasons for coming to sessions
Reflections on attendance
4.  Program my include
a.  speaker
b.  a show and tell
c.  University videotapes

2.  Spaces
A.  George Washington University Multi Arts Center
1.  Arrange with Shelby for the program to become part of the Gerontology Program Community Projects in Aging
2.  Receive space and basic support
3.  GW would place trainees with artists, Trainees could possibly receive a salary from GW
B.  Options
1.  Churches
2.  Meridian House
3.  Children's Museum