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(St. John's Hall)


Tel. Office <052> 831 - 0 0 4 4 
Students <052> 831 - 0 0 6 2
<052> 832- 8 3 4 5

November 21, 1992

Dear Mr. Ojeda,

My classmate Fr. Krosnicki has already contacted you, I believe. I am Fr. David Mayer, a Divine Word Missionary priest working in Japan since 1973. When The Habit of Being was reviewed in the Washington Post, Fr. Krosnicki saw your illustration and bought a copy of the print for me since he know I was writing about Flannery O'Connor. Now I am hoping to publish ten of these articles in a book form, and I would like your print to be on the cover. In the tentative preface I have written the following about your print:

The cover illustration by Naul Ojeda originally appeared in the Washington Post review of The Habit of Being. A friend noticed it, phoned the newspaper to contact the artist, and bought one of the original prints, which has the sun colored red. I like this picture because it features O'Connor's favorite bird; it has the phrase which expresses her connection of mystery and manners; and it depicts the sun and moon in playful positions. The print itself is like an O'Connor story: skillful, direct, and thought-provoking with a touch of humor.  

It may be some time before this collection of essays, titled The Drooping Sun and the Coy Moon: Belief, Image and Structure in Flannery O'Connor, is accepted. I hope the publisher and you agree to have your print on the cover. You may even want to design the whole cover with the title, etc. together with the print. Have you done any other work with the O'Connor themes? Once I get a positive response from a publisher, I will write you again. Presently I am waiting for a reply from Loyola University Press.

Blessings on your life and work.

Peace, David Mayer

Transcription Notes:
Need to add Japanese text in letterhead