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3045 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009
(202) 483-1140 [[image]]

Board of Directors

Cecil C. Harrigan 

Andrea Jones

Heleny Cook

Anne Bruch-Hollies

Gabriel Coll

Lydia Egan

Olivia McQueen

Luz Maria Prieto

Luis Rumbaut

Steve Sanazaro

Hilda Torres

Enrique S. Rivera-Torres
Executive Director

April 15, 1985

Ambasador Abelardo L. Valdez
Finley, Kumble, Wagner, Heine
Underburg Manley & Casey
1120 Connecticut Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Dear Ambasador Valdez


On Wednesday, May 29, 1985, the Latin American Youth Center will be celebrating fifteen years of work with Latino youth in the Washington metropolitan area with an activity entitled " Celebration of Latino Youth." District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Ricardo Urbina will be the guest speaker, and will be presented the first annual Simon Bolivar Award in recognition of his untiring commitment to justice and self-determination.

I encourage you and would indeed be pleased if you or your organization would participate in the development of this event. You may participate as a Donor with a contribution of $200 - $500, or as a Sponsor with a contribution of $50 - $125. Your gift is tax-deductible.

The evening promises to be an eventful celebration. It will be held at Pierce Hall, All Souls Church, Sixteenth and Harvard Streets North West, from 6 to 9 p.m. Rumisonko, Washington's well-known Andean folk ensemble, will entertain us with traditional songs from South America. Food will be prepared by the Center's youth operated catering workshop. The Uruguayan artist Naul Ojeda has agreed to offer for sale a beautiful lithograph for the occasion.

The "Centro de Juventud Latinoamericana" as the Center is called in Spanish, offers a wide range of programs for Latino youth. Current services include employment training and job placement, family stabilization, delinquency prevention, cultural heritage and educational programs.

Please join us in this "Celebration of Latino Youth," and help support the work of the Latin American Youth Center. If you have any questions, please contact Heleny Cook at 686-0675 or Lori Kaplan at 483-1140. I look forward to seeing you.


Reverend David Eaton
Senior Minister, All Souls Church
Friend of the Centro De Juventud Latinoamericana