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1901 Q Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009
(212) 234-9382


July 22, 1983

Naul Ojeda
1730 Church St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Dear Mr. Ojeda:

As you know, preparations are under way for the Seventh Annual Letelier-Moffitt Memorial Human Rights Awards ceremony.  Because this year marks the tenth anniversary of the Chilean military coup, and because of recent developments there, the Memorial holds particular importance.

The Letelier-Moffitt Memorial Fund for Human Rights would like to commission you to design the poster for this year.  Your designs have in the past played a very special role in the Memorial.

If you agree to collaborate with us this year, we would like to request permission to use your design in two ways: for the poster, and for the invitation to the Human Rights Awards ceremony.  Because our budget is limited, we can only offer you the modest sum of $200.00.

Thank you for your consideration.  I look forward to hearing from you.


Robert Borosage
Director, IPS


A Program of the Institute for Policy Studies