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1425 Rhode Island Ave NW
Washington, DC 20005
July 26, 1981

Marc Zuver
Fondo del Sol
2112 R St. NW
Washington, DC 20003

Dear Mr. Zuver,

The National Endowment for the Arts Visual Arts Program has awarded Fondo del Sol $9,000 to be used for artists' honoraria between May 1, 1981 and April 30, 1982. The Endowment defines honoraria as payment "to artists for use of their work in exhibitions, and for performances, sited works, and video screenings/installations. Honoraria may not be used for artists' travel or expenses, supplies or materials, or as payment for lectures or participation in seminars."

Since we have evidence that Fondo del Sol has not done what it said it would do in other grants, we are forming a committee of concerned Hispanic citizens and artists to verify the payment of honoraria to artists by Fondo del Sol. We hope the committee will encourage Fondo del Sol to pay at least $4,500 of that honoraria money to Hispanic artists in the Washington area. We suspect that the government gives money to Fondo del Sol because of its supposed commitment to Hispanic art. Therefore, the money should go to Hispanic artists.

In these times of government cut backs in support of the arts, it is very important that money going to the arts is spent wisely.

We hope the committee will form by September 13. We ask your co-operation in our effort.

Sincerely yours,
Francisco Alvarado
Francisco Alvarado
Leslie Kuter
Leslie Kuter