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2112 R St. N. W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel. 202-483-2777
8 August 1981

Dear Artist:

      Fondo del Sol Visual Arts Center is planning an exhibition of the work of a selected number of artists of Hispanic descedence who live and work in the greater Washington area(Washington,Maryland,Virginia).

       The exhibition will take place in September (Sept.11-22) in honor of National Hispanic Heritage Week.
       After viewing slides and resumes of over 30 local artists we have made a preliminary selection of artists to be invited for consideration by the exhibit selection panel .
       Your work has been recommended for consideration at the final meeting of the exhibit selection panel,Sept.5,1981. Panel will consist of Al Nodal,director,WPA-Washington Project of the Arts, Alfredo Halegua,distinguished sculptor,and Dino Aranda, Art Director, Fondo del Sol.
      We hope that your work may be available for consideration at the panel meeting. If so, please forward(if you have not already done so) 6 to 10slides of recent work,not exhibited elsewhere in Washington this year, indicating date of work,size,title,medium, and insurance value. Please include your VITAE or resume if not already received by us.

     All materials must arrive as Fondo del Sol no later than September 4.
Artists selected by the panel for the exhibit will be notified Sept 6 & 7. Installation will be Sept.9& 10. Some artists not chosen for this particular exhibit amy also be considered for other exhibits at Fondo del Sol provided that updated slides are submitted in1982.
      Artists selected by the panel for the exhibit (six to eight persons) will each receive an Honorarium of $100.
    Looking forward to hearing from you

   For Fondo del Sol:

[[signatures]] Salvador y [[????]]

[[bottom left corner]] Cautentada 18 sgt. 8 [[total guess]]