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The artists below have generously lowered the prices for their paintings for tonight's fundraiser.

NAUL OJEDA, artist and printmaker, has exhibited all over Latin America. He is originally from Uruguay. He is an active member of Washington's Latin American community.

CARMEN TRUJILLO has been exhibiting in the Washington area since 1978 and presently is a member of the Corcoran School of Art faculty. She is originally from Cuba.

ROSSELLA MATAMOROS, a Costa Rican painter, is presently a Fulbright scholar working on the National Museum of American History and is also currently teaching at the Smithsonian Institution.

ROD ICAZA was born in Cuba and received his BFA from the Corcoran School of Art. He has exhibited in Washington.

TERESA GHIGLINO is currently finishing her MFA degree at American University and has been the recipient of the Alma Thomas Award, Emerging Hispanic Artist Award, 1988.

ERNESTO VILA began working in collages in 1980 and recently exhibited at the OAS, among other showings. He is from Uruguay.

LILIAN HAMLIN was born in Argentina and has been in the United States since 1985. She has been exhibited all over the Washington area and recently in France.

ALBERTO SCHUNK received his training in graphics and ceramics in Venice. He has exhibited in Latin America, Italy and the United States. He is from Uruguay.

The BOLIVAR GALLERY exhibits world-renowned Haitian art from 1950 to the present.


EOFULA is extremely grateful to the U.S. Ambassador to the OAS and Mrs. Einaudi for hosting this event at the Organization of American States Building, and to Mrs. Ana Colomar O'Brien, Chief of Protocol of the OAS, for her kind assistance.

EOFULA wishes to thank the Pepsi-Cola Company and C&P Telephone for their generous sponsorship as well as Patrick Dooley Moving Services, ARA Food Services, and Sarah Tanguy, project director for the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, for their contributions in making this event possible.


Zoila Altamirano
Arlene Bickel
Cristina Bolet
Maud Brandsilver
Anita and Susan Campion
Regina E. Cortez
Elizabeth Dailey
Alejandro Diaz-Asper
Eva Isa
Carmen Martinez
Ruben Martinez
Stephen Provasnik