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diversity and strength of contemporary Hispanic artists in the United States. Its working title is "La Luz: Contemporary Latino Art in the United States." There will be no theme to the exhibition. I just want to show great work by important artists as an indication of some of the exciting artists and traditions the Center was built to honor. I also see this acquisition as a sort of "wishlist" for future acquisitions for the permanent collection.

I am very interested in including one of your large woodcuts in "La Luz." I am writing now to see if you would be interested, in principle, in participating in this exhibition, and if so, to ask if you might be able to help select the work. Unfortunately, I have still not completely unpacked my files and so can't remember the name of the large print you included in your terrific exhibition at the Washington Arts Club last Fall. I would love to include that work in our exhibition here. If you would prefer that we include a different work, please let me know. Because I don't have images of most of your work, could you also send slides of the work(s) you suggest? We will be sending out official requests for loan once we have the checklist more definite, but I wanted to ask for your suggestions first.

I send you and Pennie my very best wishes and hope you have been well and active.

With great respect,

Andrew Connors
Senior Curator
(505) 246-2261 x116

P.S. Hugh joins me in sending our regards. We think of you two often.

Foto es ok
Julio el grabado Listo!