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Tel: (505) 246-2261
Fax: (505) 246-2613

State of New Mexico
Office of Cultural Affairs
Hispanic Cultural Division

600 Central Ave. SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102

September 21, 2000

Ms. Karen Marks
Bonni Benrubi Gallery
New York, NY 10021

Dear Ms. Marks:

This letter is to inform you that we have received the piece you have loaned to the National Hispanic Cultural Center for our inaugural exhibition, La Luz: Contemporary Latino Art in the United States.
Enclosed you will find Temporary Loan & Receipt forms documenting the condition of each piece upon arrival noting any condition beyond gradual inherent vice or normal deterioration. Please review the report and, if in agreement, sign and return one copy of each to me in the enclosed a self addressed stamped envelope, and retain one copy of each for your records. Please call me at 505/246-2261 at your earliest convenience if you find any discrepancies or have questions regarding the enclosed reports. 

Please note that there was an error on the original Incoming Loan Agreement giving our address as 1701 4th St, NW. The correct address should be:

     National Hispanic Cultural Center of New Mexico
     1701 4th Street, SW
     Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

We are moving into our new, permanent building this weekend, so please direct all further correspondence to the new address.

Thank you in advance for reviewing enclosed document and for your interest in and support of the National Hispanic Cultural Center of New Mexico 

Very Sincerely,

Jon D. Freshour, 
Senior Registrar

National Hispanic Cultural Center of New Mexico
Research, Literary, Visual and Performing Arts*Special Events*Film & Video*Marketing*Education

Transcription Notes:
I don't know if we need to document the handwritten signature or not. Feel free to remove if no.