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MAGNUM PHOTOS,INC. New York 15 West 46 Street, N.Y. 10036 Tel. 541-7570 Cable: MAGNUMFOTO Paris 125 Faubourg St. Honoré, Paris 8e, Tel. Élysée 15-91 Cable: FOTOMAGNUM

July 2, 1974

Magnum Photos Inc. acknowledges the receipt of 75 black and white photographs of Chile from Naul Ojeda.

These photographs will be placed in the Magnum Picture Collection and distributed or liscensed for use in accordance with Magnum policies to educational publishers and magazines. 50% of all monies received for such use will within 30 days of collection be forewarded to Mr. Ojeda at what-ever address he designates.

Gerald Rosencrantz
Director, Magnum Photo Collection