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Union Pier

Aug 11th

Bonny dearest

Just received two letters from you -  yesterday no one went for the mail - they do not seem to care here - they don't read the papers and the only one they take is the Christian Science Monitor. 

I feel as though I had dropped off from the earth. I don't have much time for any thing except my work any way so it is just as well. It was nice to get your letters so full of news and sympathy. I surely need all that is coming to me.   

So that was the trouble with Italia Blair–too bad.

I am glad you got along without trouble with the furniture and in regard to things at apartment we can send another lot of stuff out later when I am there to attend to it.

In regard to the auto, Mr Hoffman brought a standard six sedan out for me to see and I like it better for us than the bigger car, he did not leave it here at the time as their

Transcription Notes:
"Italia Blair" is mentioned on this site: "Standard Six Sedan"