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Villa des Dames
Hôtel de Famille

[[image - drawing of the hotel]]
77, 79, Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs

Paris le Sept 1st 1909.

Bonny dearest -

I am in such a state of the dumps, it wouldn't take much more to make me pack my trunks and ship and never come back. I don't know but what I will any way. I've been hearing such tales about the trouble people get into who take apartments and about all the things we should do to avoid them   

that I feel altogether bewildered as I do not know how to set about it to take all the precautions - They all say we must have an architect examine the plans before we move in, as if there is any thing wrong we will have to pay when we go out: They say the heating apparatus in the bath rooms are usually out of order and it costs two or three hundred francs to fix them some times. We must also know that the chimneys are all right and the plumbing-  To add to my depression I have today also discovered a place beautifully furnished and much airier than ours that I could rent for a short time or a long time for