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way and the country looks very Springlike but of course it is more advanced then Lyme. I am just hoping it won't rain this afternoon, it looks very much like it.  

The Maynards and Harry Hoffman are going with me to the Ball tomorrow night and Dr. Keyes and his daughter are to meet us there. So sorry you won't be here. Hope the portraits have passed the critical stage and that you can breathe easy once more. It seems funny to be going to Phila. without you. The lilacs are in bloom and every minute it gets more attractive. I'll write some more on my way  back.


Well! that's over and I am on my way back. I am glad I went. The exhibit was interesting. They had my figure in the best place, in the pool in the middle of Rittenhouse Square. It is good to see the thing outdoors. Mr. Manchip took the prize for a group so he was there and they took our pictures together for the paper. If course I met slews of people and many spoke of you. We had tea in the Art Alliance Building.

Hope you will be able to read this scrawl, Lovingly, your Betty