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the time, but it is nice anyway. Wasn't it swell of Mr. Janice to come down to the boat to see us? I wonder how you and Bonny could have missed him. When we went into dinner last night, the purser met us and said that the captain wished us at his table. We were much impressed and of course delighted. The captain is very pleasant but says he does not speak English, but I think he does. We sit at a small table and beside the captain there is a lady and her son - a young man 21 years old who Bonny has taken quite a fancy to. They are off smoking together now. He speaks English a little and I am going to try to help him with his English and he will help me with my French. I don't know how we will get on. Neither Bonny nor I have felt the least bit sick yet. I don't know whether it is the