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medicine or our lovely state room or the fact that the boat is as steady as a house - a perfectly smooth sea. Yesterday afternoon we both took a nice nap. I had been sound asleep for two hours when Bonny came down and then we slept until dinner time. It is so nice in our state room that I would almost rather be there than any where. My bunk is right under the port-hole and it is nice to sit there and read. Here in the parlor it is very nice, too. We could just as well have our trunk in our state room now and I almost wish w had for then we could dress up a little - which would be nice, being at the captain's table. I think they will bring it up for us, Bonny is going to ask them. There seems to be almost no one in the dining room at meal time. They do not set the long table at all and there are almost no women,