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A Bord le 

[[strikethrough]] Friday [[/strikethrough]] Saturday - September 22nd

Dearest Mamma.
Here we are, the third day out and we are both as well as can be and have not been ill a minute- Of course the sea is as calm as can be - I suppose if it should get rough we would not be so comfortable - but we have a better chance of not being ill at all - every thing is lovely, we are so comfortable in our room and the food is simply splendid - we have all kinds of fruit at every meal and ice cream at every dinner, we do not have as many courses as on the German boat, but we have a great plenty and everything is so good that I am tempted to eat too much. I said some thing to the Captain 


yesterday about rum cakes, so last night we had the most delicious rum cake I ever ate - he says the cook shall show me how to make them and I will get the receipt- I have discovered that the Captain speaks a little English so now we talk a little The list of passengers Bonny sent you includes second class. I am sure there are not over 50 first-class and not more than five women. The nicest people are at our table, this is the way we are at table- [[image - diagram]] The young man and his mother are French and she does not speak English at all but is very pleasant. There are a lot of French people on board and they occupy the swell state rooms up on deck, but just the same  one of them was sick this morning. The French