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[[left margin]] Write in care of the Bank the address I gave you [[/left margin]]


Mamma dearest-

Here we are in Paris, all safe and sound and settled in our rooms, we feel very well and have already had a peep at the Exposition- I should have written before but for the fact that the foreign mail goes out only twice a week, so it would have done no good and I have not had a moment until now -but I must go back and tell you from the time we left the boat. In the first place our steamer did not get in until 6'o'clock and then we had to wait an hour for a little steamer to come out and take us off the boat - but we did manage to get on land just in time for the express train for Paris and as everybody was taking it- we decided to do the same thing- we had been quiet so long that we were crazy to be on the move. A gentleman on the steamer found a party and we rented a compartment on the train and so had a very comfortable trip to Paris, getting in at about half past eleven P.M. we had looked up several hotels in a new Baedeker and a number had been recommended to us by people on the boat, so we had quite a list to choose from. Well! when we got here we jumped into a cap and told one hotel but they had no room then we tried another and another. I think we