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Tonight we wandered home and had a lovely time looking in the shop windows.  Saw lots of things we should like to buy.  I do not believe we will be in Paris for three weeks but can't tell exactly yet.
Thursday October 4th.
Just one week ago tonight we arrived in Paris - it seems a month - we have really done a great deal and we take it very easy too - we plan just what we are going to do and we always ride in cabs so we get on quite fast. Today we spent the morning in the U.S. section of painting also visited what is called the small art Building which is old French art - we spent a good deal of time looking at plants, flowers and shrubs around the grounds we went through some of the buildings where there are all sorts of things but we do not make any attempt to more than glance through them, there is too much and too many people, but it is all interesting - we dined at an English restaurant on the grounds and in the early evening visited the Oriental Colonies - (like Midway) and had lots of fun, we could hardly get away from the booths they wanted us to buy their things so much. They are selling everything very cheap now and we are going to buy some trinkets there. it is 9 o'clock now and we are going to bed! Good night kiss to you.