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it is - We are just about through with the Expo - only a few little things here and there that we want to see - next week we are going to begin to look up the things we want to buy over here. The first thing is my suit as it will take some time to make - then we are going to begin our calls - We shall be really glad to let the Expo. rest a while.

We are really quite comfortable here only you may be sure it is not much like home and you need not fear that we will spend many minutes away when we find we have done our duty here -

It was very strange that you should have felt sea sick and the girls too - I hope you have not been really sick - both Bonny and I felt dizzy for two or three days after we landed. I think that was because we were not sick at sea. We think it was on account of the medicine and we are going to take it when we come back as we prefer to feel a little sick on land to being very sick at sea. I hope every thing is all right - I wish I knew what you are up to - have you been to the theatre? I hope you are having some company some times when we are in the worst of the crowd we think of our quiet home and wish with all our hearts we were there but it will be all the nicer when we get back to it and you and you can have some thing new to talk about. I must stop & go to bed it's nine o'clock

A great big good night kiss from your  Bessie & Bonny too.