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morning on account of the dinner he ate last night - and I don't wonder for we had every kind of a thing to eat - commencing with sausage and ending with champaigne [[champagne]] and the richest kind of cake and cheese - I did not eat much so feel quite will [[well]] this morning - I hope we will not have to go to any more dinners - I do not think we will be here more than a week longer - ten days at the most - and I believe we will be starting for home by November first - 
We have looked everywhere for bags like those they have at Vautiers and like Mrs Blair but we can not find anything - it is very funny there does not seem to be anything of the kind in Paris, so I may have to get one in N.Y. after all. This afternoon I am to have my dress tried on and then we are going to pick out our paints & brushes and modelling tools etc. Yesterday I bought seven pair of kid gloves. I think they are good ones this time - I hope that you are keeping as well as we are and that you are not tiring yourself out cleaning house - it is indeed nice have all that done while we are away, we are in luck in that way I suppose, but I am sure that would seem peaceful to me after all the excitement of Paris, Stacks & stacks of love you can soon begin to count the days till our return – Betty.