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you and look around and see if you can find a little country place for us.

It is quite cool here and we are glad for it would be harder to do this kind of work.

From our kitchen window we look out on the same court and into the windows of the little apartment we had the first time we came to Paris, when Quibie Taft was with us.

I hope you did not run short of money. I should have sent you some sooner. I didn't realize how the time was passing. I will send you another check in a day or so - I hope you got the one for fifty I sent in my last letter. I don't want to put any more in this letter it makes it too heavy. I will write you more often from now on- I won't be so busy after this - I hope you have not worried about me - from now on I am just going to sit and think of my clocks.

I hope you find your clocks are right and that you have what you need, and that you will really get a good rest for you need it very much. we need to have some [[?]] up for our work next fall and winter.

I think you had better continue