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[[right side]]

Bessie Potter Vonnoh
33 West 67 Street
New York City

June, 1948

Lulette dearest,

Two sweet notes have come from you and I am so glad that you are getting a real thrill from your painting. you will find more and more joy from it as you go on.

I have a bit of news for you and Rob - I think you may be surprised - I am to be married to Dr E.L. Keyes on July 10th [[margin]] 1948 [[/margin]] - you may have heard me [[cont. on left side]] speak of him. he is a retired surgeon and a wonderful person. I hope you may meet him some day.

We are to be married here in my studio and spend the summer at Southampton, L.I. N.Y. I wish you could be here on the 10th of July - I am very happy and feel that I am fortunate beyond words - It is possible we may come to L.A. some time next winter.  I will write you soon again, but I wanted you to know at once.

My love to you and Rob,
Cousin Bess

June 14th

Transcription Notes:
Dr. Edward Loughborough Keyes