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ROOMS 40-41.

Dec, 28th 1901

Bessie Potter Vonnoh
Rockland Lake New York

Dear Bessie

Your letters of the 20th & 21st to Grandma and myself both received We were glad to hear from you and to know you think of us often. We wish you and your mother as well as your husband a Happy new year and ofcourse hope you had a Merry Christmas.

Grandma is always glad to hear from you and was especially pleased to get a Christmas letter. If you send Grandma anything send her a wrapper to wear when she sets up in her wheel chair.  I bought new carpets, Rugs, Curtains &c for her Christmas and made her quite happy. Al bought her a Canary Bird and Cage. The Bird is a good singer.

We all have much to be thankfull during the past year. I have done fairly well. With much love to all I am as ever. Your Uncle, J.S. McKenney