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J. S. McKENNEY                 F.D. ARNOLD

No. 145 La Salle Street

We organize and finance industrial enterprises. Buy and sell factory sites, buildings and machinery. Syndicate lands and offer inducements to secure the location of factories on such lands. Sell industrial stocks, bonds and mortgages, and make loans on manufactured goods and merchandise warehoused upon factory premises.

Chicago, Jan. 15, 1904.

Bessie Potter Vonnoh,
25 West 67th St. Studios, N.Y. City.

Dear Niece:-

Your kind letter with the photographs of your work received some time ago. I have delayed answering from day to day hoping that I should be able to send you folks a substantial payment upon the flat building, but at last I am obliged to write you and say that the sale does not seem to be any nearer closed than it was a month ago, in fact, I fear the man making the offer has backed out. He has made several engagements with us and never kept any of them, as to payments. I notified him that the property would be withdrawn from the market at the price at which he was offered it unless the payment was made on or before the 15th, and I have heard nothing from him since. I think I shall have to find another customer. I wish I could be with you during the holidays or most any other time, but my business confines me to Chicago and the little towns surrounding Chicago and I have not seen any time yet when I felt able to go visiting, but I shall early in the Spring go to New York on business and I will certainly come to see you. I have broken up house-keeping, but am sorry for it, as it costs me about as much to live as it did before, that is to live as I want to live and have decent things, of course, I could board in a cheap boarding house, but I will not do that. I am so thankful for the photographs, as they are a constant reminder of a little girl I once knew and whom I have never forgotten. She is the brightest memory of my life and when I see any good work coming from her hand, I know it is good and I do not expect anything else. I was puzzled at first to know whether the photographs were taken from life or clay. I hope you will have good health and do much more work in the future than you have done in the recent past. Always send me photographs of your work as it makes me very happy to see your great progress