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40 East 83rd Street
New York, N.Y. 10028
June 14, 1983

Mrs. Robert Rowe Thompson
Vinson Hall, Apt. 326
6251 Old Dominion Drive
McLean, Va. 22101

Dear Mrs. Thompson,
Here is my small essay on Bessie Potter Vonnoh -- I hope I have made no grave errors -- if so please correct me. There will be an article on Bessie in Art and Antiques. The fellow who is doing it evidently called you. He also called me as we have a mutual friend, and asked for information. With your permission, I will give him copies of the letters and articles concerning Bessie that you lent me.

I very much want to come and see  you again, and return all the wonderful material I have kept for much too long. When would it be convenient for me to come? I have at last finished the course work for the PhD and am at comparative leisure. I could hop on a plane almost any time you say; would sometime in the next two weeks suit you?
Until I see you,
Much love,