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social sense--and he had to resign as head of the eye, ear, nose and throat clinic..."

"Good God," said the architect. "But what happened then? We just got word to go ahead with the house."

"Oh, that's the way things work in the South," Kitty Weese said affably. "People get all steamed up --and then everything blows over."

"Boy--I'll bet he's learned his lesson and never touches that movie camera again," said the architect, dumbfounded.

But when the long-distance call came from Dr. C. two days later, [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] the architect in no way betrayed any knowledge of his recent information nor in any way indicated that stop-and-go orders of this kind were rather irregular.

He hesitated a moment before inquiring about Mrs. C., but then plunged bravely ahead. Dr. C. reported that his wife was fine and that they had had a lovely little girl--just what they wanted.

Guiltily, the architect hurried to explain that his colleague was on vacation so that they hadn't done much work on the house since the last telegram. Agreeable and patient as usual, Dr. C. said he understood.

"What I really called about, however," the client went on, "was an important change that I wanted to tell you about before the working drawings got too far along. You will remember, in the original program and plans, there was no provision for a dark-room. Well, I've changed my mind. I want one---fully equipped to develope movie films."

The architect agreed.