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Designing rooms,
Large dining rooms,
For damels at Drake small reclining rooms,
Annoyed, bothered and bewildered are we...
All your requests
For desks and chests
We answer until our boards are squirrel nests,
Annoyed, bothered and bewildered are we...
We do what--you're demanding--
Kepp our plans--all on tap,
But our fame, notwithstanding,
Comes from the gifts we wrap!
In greys and tans
For Lutherans 
We do everything from the dorms to the cans,
Annoyed, bothered and bewildered are we!

We/are like cogs
In catalogues
Know prices and size of V'soske rogs   (Vi-soss-key)
Annoyed, bothered and bewildered are we.
The Miller lines,
Knoll beds by Stein,
And every damn Mar'iyan Strengell design, 
Annoyed, bothered and bewildered are we.
We can quote--all the prices--
By the width--by the yard--
We can solve--any crisis
With fabrics by Girard.
To chase the gloom
From college room
We give every girl not a chair but a womb--
Annoyed, bothered and bewildered are we.

Our fabric squares, 
Our snips for chairs
Are all things that daily you carry upstairs,
Annoyed, bothered and bewildered by you.
Our [[strikethrough]] fabric [[/strikethrough]] paper bits
Our color kits
You8ve messed so we're having ca-nip-tion fits,
Annoyed, bothered and bewildered by you.
We are neat, we keep sorting, 
All our hues--have their keys--
Still you think--that it's sporting--
To take just what you please.
We've filed again,
And piled again,
And now you are driving us wild again,
Annoyed, bothered and bewildered by you.....