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1 1952

List for E, when he's ready to take it.....after he decided to make one.

1 Its not so much what you do wrong-its what you Don't do and don't share & don't communicate, don't appreciate.

2 Its your negative criticism of what I do, when I've screwed up the courage to act. You are extremely critical - & kill creativeness through it

3 [[strikethrough]] A poor [[/strikethrough]] All xmas toys - your caricatures sketch - Susie's best drawings-your slides - your love letters- [[strikethrough]] all I can [[/strikethrough]] your pa's portrait - all things personally valuable [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] to you [[strikethrough]] care for [[/strikethrough]] get sneaked away to your real home - the office

5 No effort toward making a Home-

4 A neglectful unresponsive Husband is not only hard on the wife, but confusing to kids - & makes her a less good more frustrated mother.

Transcription Notes:
One word to decipher