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II Italian sculptor- Maria di Medici
bought it Notice those buildings on
the end of the Island (Ile de la cite)
surrounding place D'auphine
It was between Ponte Neuf and the
next bridge up the river on the left
bank side of the island where I [[strikeout]]held back[[/strikeout]]
kept my canoe in one of those
old laundry boats. It wasn't really
mine but Kirres although I was the
captain Notice all the hoboes laying
in the sun on the lower level-
-they we all personal friends of
3) Notre Dame- built in 1264 (2) during
the best period of the Gothic. [[strikeout]]
the left (?) tower is thicker than the
right- it has one more space in that
girdle that surrounds it just before
the tower begins Here you can see
(inside) the lower nave - the "triformm"
gallery and than the large windows
above the sections nearest the crossing
have smaller windows above- I
believe that this was the case all
over but there was a fire while
building and they prefered the