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* coraco brachialis 

arises from coracoid process of Scapula in conjunction with the Short head of Biceps, inserted into a rough ridge in the middle of os brachia, this muscle is situated on inside of Biceps, concealed by Pec.s & Delt.ds except a small part seen between Biceps & Triceps under the arm near the arm pit

coraco brachiales
long portion
short portion

Brachialis internis

Teres Major - arises from inferior angle of Scapula & inserted in the groove for lodging the long head of the Biceps 

Use to depress the arm & rotate it inwards and draw it backwards

The remainder of the 9 muscle moving the arm are internal to these and not seen viz:
supra spinati, subscapularius & corrico brachialis = *

of those which move the fore arm on the arm there are 2 extensors & 2 flexors viz: Biceps flexor cubilii & brachiales (internes) Flexors 

And Triceps and anconius Extensors

Biceps - short head arises from corricoid process of Scapula, long head from head of os brachia, they unite about one third its length down - inserted in the tubicle of Radius. Use to flex the arm and turn it outwards  This is the great flexor of the arm & supinator 

observations) This muscle sends of a facia over the surface of the forearm to which, thereby it has considerable

Transcription Notes:
[[image: [pen drawing of arm muscles - labeled]] "corrico brachialis" -> Coracobrachialis * - this is at top of first page -Coraco brachiales - second page, a third of the way down. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-08-21 14:33:20