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in combined action may be considered as going to support the head and assist those already described in rotating and inclining the head to either side among the most prominent of these is the Spleneus which arises from the upper dorsal vertebra and is Inverted in the mastoid process of the Temporal bone under the sterno cleido mastoid muscle it is seen in the anatomical subject [[strikethrough]] but not in the living one [[/strikethrough]] between the last mentioned and the trapezius passing primarily under across  [[& beneath?]] it is one of the principal muscles in turning the head to the side [[strikethrough]] its action is in opposition to the mastoid [[/strikethrough]]

The muscles yet remaining to be described on the back are those attached to and passing over the scapula the upper most of these is the [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]]
Infraspinatus - origin from the all the base of the scapula below the spine it passes over the scapula of considerable breadth and goes [[low?]]

Inserted in the [[?]] of the os brachii use to rotate the the arm outwards
The lowermost muscle in this space is the Teres Major - origin from the inferior angle of the Scapula its passing uppward, & forward of considerable thickness it assists [[strikethrough]] inform [[/strikethrough]] the Latissimus dorsi in forming the posterior edge of the armpit and is 

Inserted in the inner edge of the groove lodging the long head of the Biceps

use to rotate the arm inward to depress it and [[?]] it backwards

[[left margin]] between these the last is another, The Teres Minor, origin and insertion sn to the Infraspinatus and principally lower [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] and use thats [[?]] Teres major