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THE RENTAL GALLERY - The Baltimore Museum of Art
The work of art listed below has been consigned to the Rental Gallery of the Baltimore Museum of Art for the purpose of rental and/or sale by

Consignor Gene Davis
Date 1/21/67
Address 2480 16th St. N.W. Washington D.C. 20009
Tel. No.
for a period of 9 months from the date hereof, under the terms and provisions listed below.

Artist         Title         Medium        Sales Price

Gene Davis  BLACK SURPRISE                 $175.00


Agreement to Consign: The Consignor agrees that The Rental Gallery of the Baltimore Museum of Art may rent the above article to responsible persons for display in their home or place of business.

Sales. The above article shall at all times be considered to be for sale at the price specified. In the event of sale 10% of he sale price shall be retained by The Rental Gallery as a handling charge. Title shall be conveyed directly from consignor to purchaser. The Rental Gallery shall act as agent for the consignor, shall collect the purchase  price (and the Maryland Sales Tax where applicable) from the purchaser and forward it, less the 10% handling charge, to the consignor.

Withdrawal. It is understood that the consignor may withdraw the above object, if necessary, after a 4 week notice to The Rental Gallery.

Condition. The Rental Gallery agrees that if loss, damage or deterioration occurs to the above at any time during the consignment period, it will notify the consignor immediately. The Rental Gallery further agrees not to clean or repair the consigned object without the written permission of the consignor.

Insurance. The object is insured at sales value during the full period of consignment.

Reproduction. The Rental Gallery may photograph and reproduce the object consigned for promotional purposes.

Return of Consignments.  Objects will be returned to the consignor, at which time the consignor will issue a receipt to The Rental Gallery. If the consignor does not submit written claim for damages within 10 days thereafter to The Rental Gallery, The Rental Gallery will be released from any and all responsibility thereto.

Signed by the consignor

Signed by The Rental Gallery   E.L. Hart