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[[Three-columned table]]
--- | --- | --- 
A - | Murray's black painting | 90" x 114"
✓ B - | Small painting half stripes half bare | 68" x 90"
✓ C - | small painting - white pin stripe border | 68" x 90"
✓ D - | 2 black & grey columns colored stripes at ends center - bare canvas | 90 x 108"
✓ E - | entry center - multi colored & black stripes right & left  90 x 114"
F - | spring green border painting | 90 x 170"
✓ G - | green & blue split | 90 x 144"
H - | pale lavender border painting | 90 x 144"
✓ I - | big gray painting mixed pin stripes & wide stripes | 90 x 140"