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Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am happy to be among you and I am grateful to Mr. and Mrs. ;;;... to have given me this opportunity to speak to you today. But not being a scholar or a lecturer - I have now been for more than 40 years a professional sculptor - please don't expect from me a smooth speech. I studied a lot, I worked a lot, I saw a lot. And I had the privilege to have among my friends the [[strikethrough]]the [[/strikethrough]] greatest spirits we have today in the field of art. We had many discussions, especially with my friend Juan Gris. And it is to his luminous shadow that I dedicate this talk.

It seems to me that a great confusion exists in the field of Art of today. Of course, as a result for the confusion, of the lacerations and distortions of our life, we are not pleased with our situation. [[strikethrough]] vhsy [[/strikethrough]] That's why it is always good to try to examine and analyze some aspects of our achievements [[strikethrough]]in art of the [[/strikethrough]] in the field of Art during the last decades and to do [[strikethrough]]just that ih [[/strikethrough]]  that just with common sense, not with scientific approaches. Just with common sense and as tool of our investigations our eyes are a pretty good tool.

Maybe some clarity xould result from such and examinationx. And that's why I accepted to speak to you despite of the distance I had to travel and despite of the difficulty for me to speak in English.

I believe in different categories[[strikethrough]]of [[/strikethrough]] in Art, different levels in the hierarchy of values. A painting by a child can be charming and amusing and it is a painting. A painting, for instance, by Leonard da Vinci is a painting as well but not on the same level, I would like tospeak to you about the highest level. about, what I call the Royal Way, the