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[[strikethrough]] 330 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. LOngacre 5-2600 [[/strikethrough]]
1834 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 23, N. Y. CIrcle 6-1900

put in a catholique church. I a layman had to tell him that such a [[strikethrough]] attitude [[\strikethrough]] act seems to me [[strikethrough]] completely [[\strikethrough]] herethique. [[strikethrough]] that a church is not a museum [[\strikethrough]].
[[strikethrough]] Of coarse [[\strikethrough]] I belive in different cathegories in art, different levels in the [[strikethrough]] a [[\strikethrough]] yrarchie [[hierarchy]] of the values. I would like to speak to you only about the higest level, about the Royal [[?]]
I am not at all affraid of wath somme [[strikethrough]] peopl [[\strikethrough]] call the pompous [[strikethrough]] art [[\strikethrough]] aproach. I precisely think that this expression is the most[[strikethrough]] [[?]] and which  [[\strikethrough]] because he has the higest mining and [[strikethrough]] the higher [[\strikethrough]] is of the greaters value for the human being. I have very little times only a half of a number. [[margin]] and? [[strikethrough]] would [[?]] [[\strikethrough]] and it is so hard to say. [[\margin]]
I [[strikethrough]] would like to [[\strikethrough]] will speak mostly about the "figuratifs arts" [[strikethrough]] that [[\strikethrough]] it is [[strikethrough]] will [[\strikethrough]] to say about sculpture and paintig and only touch from far the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[\strikethrough]] usefull arts whig are architecture and decoratif art.